You may be overwhelmed looking for a Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me to start the process of filing for a divorce or if your partner has started the divorce process. You’ll need to gather financial records and other paperwork, establish workable child custody and visitation arrangements (if you have them, of course), and find time to visit the family court regularly. Even if you have a clear understanding of the divorce process, you and your entire family will endure an emotional toll. You’ll need to make important decisions and hire an attorney that is experienced in the area of family law.
Several problems occur within the framework of a marriage, civil union, or domestic partnership that can be addressed by a family law firm. No rule in the United States specifies that a prosecutor will represent people involved in a court case. People who are involved in a court case are allowed to represent themselves legally if they so wish. It can be daunting to defend yourself in a family law situation, however. There are so many facets of family law that a family law case could come up against. A family law attorney’s help could be the best bet when you appear for a family law case in court.

Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me
Why Hire Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me Family Lawyer
When faced with one or more of the above-described problems that may arise within a marriage, within a civil union, or within a domestic partnership, it is always a safe bet to contact and hire a family law attorney. Family law is a specific legal topic that includes all of the above and then some. A family law specialist will be able to answer any issues that may occur with a family law dispute while also making it much easier for the complainant or the claimant interested in family cases to continue.
If, after a time of separation, a couple has agreed that they want to terminate their union and seek a divorce, they will meet with a Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me. The laws and rules relating to applying for a divorce will alter every year, and a family law specialist will be able to define all those laws and clarify all the amendments to a divorced couple. During the divorce process, a divorce lawyer will also be willing to work hand in hand with the other spouse’s counsel.
A married couple isn’t always having problems leading to divorce. Other issues that may arise are domestic violence, such as child abuse or spousal abuse. Spousal abuse or child abuse can be the result of physical or emotional abuse.
A family law attorney will be able to help resolve the disputes that could contribute to a split between two partners engaged in these types of cases. If a divorce happens, the spouse that went through the abuse will more than likely seek spousal support, restitution, damage compensation or medical bills, and child support if they have child custody.

Colleyville TX Divorce Attorney
Experience Assessing Divorce Options
To approve a divorce, the court requires that several issues be settled, including the following:
- Division of property
- Spousal support
- Child custody
- Child support.
When it comes to negotiating the conditions of the divorce, the sides often use certain things against each other to secure a more favorable outcome. Since family attorneys are familiar with working with divorce cases, they will advise you at the start of what course(s) of action would be better for you to continue with your divorce, and also how to take steps to ensure that your needs are met from there.
As an outsider to your divorce, your attorney may be more knowledgeable about your situation than you are. Especially when it comes to a highly contentious topic and feelings are strong. Additionally, lawyers are qualified to view litigation critically and are thus less likely to make rash decisions while working with your case.
E.g., you may be inclined to go through early arbitration for a quick resolution of the property division. But your solicitor can inform you that waiting for a fairer and more equal division is in your best interest.
Paperwork and Red Tape
As with any court case, there is typically significant red tape. The number, of course, varies from state to state and from case to case. Our Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me will navigate through the process of documents that may be required to settle the divorce. You will be able to get on with your life.
Experts and Consultants
In dealing with a divorce, particularly in complex cases where the divorcing spouse has significant property and financial interests, seasoned family lawyers frequently work with a team of professional specialists and consultants. We can speak knowledgeably on the financial aspects of your situation, to endorse claims.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
A skilled Colleyville TX best family law attorney near me would decide if you can better settle the divorce by creative dispute resolution mechanisms. Such as counseling or joint family law. This will potentially save you time, effort, and emotional energy.
Experience Working with Other Lawyers
In the early exchange of information (the “discovery” process), through confidential settlement negotiations. In the ADR or family trial, an accomplished family law practitioner may negotiate with opposing counsel more efficiently and expediently.
Favorable Settlement Agreements
Personal attorneys try hard to reach the right divorce settlement arrangements with their families as early as possible during the divorce process. Family Court Experience
A family law lawyer will vigorously defend you in court and strive towards securing the best possible jury verdict in your favor if a case is required.

Contact top-rated attorney Rashelle Fetty
Hire an Experienced Family Law Attorney for Your Divorce Today
You don’t have to face these legal issues alone. A skilled divorce lawyer should know what steps to take to guarantee the best possible outcome. They will be able to speak in court on your behalf. Start the process today by us here at The Fetty Firm, P.C.
The Fetty Firm, P.C. law office, is an excellent choice for clients making essential decisions in all situations and with all types of legal services in Colleyville, Texas (Tarrant County) and TX, Bedford. We handle legal matters with family law issues like spousal and child support and child custody issues.
At Fetty Firm, P.C., our clients receive significant law firm results with small firm service. When you hire The Fetty Firm, P.C., Rashelle represents you. Clients are our priority, and they can feel the difference personal attention makes.
Fun Facts About Colleyville, Texas
- Parks – 11 award-winning parks and greenbelts, full-service recreational facilities
- Library – full service
- Colleyville began as a rural community
- Incorporated in 1956
- Learn more about Colleyville here!