When deciding on which Colleyville Texas Divorce Attorney is best for you, experience and knowledge should definitely be taken into account. The Fetty Firm has years of experience dealing with divorce cases in Texas. Our sole family law attorney, Rashelle Fetty, has been representing clients in cases such as divorce, child custody, child support, estate planning, and property division for many years. Thanks to our small-sized law office, we are able to provide personalized attention while providing the results of a big firm. When you choose our law firm, you are choosing an experienced divorce lawyer in multiple areas of family law.

Colleyville Texas Divorce Attorney
Although unfortunate, it’s a fact that many marriages don’t work out. Regardless of the reason, there are many ways to handle a divorce. In most cases, the best way to approach a divorce is with the assistance of a knowledgable Texas attorney with years of experience. Rashelle Fetty has been in the legal industry for over 10 years. In addition to her experience, Rashelle is committed to putting clients’ needs at the top of her priorities. Due to the divorce process being so complex, painful, and stressful, we promise to assist you with compassionate and attentive legal services. Together, we’ll advocate for your best interest and work towards getting you the best divorce settlement possible.
Experienced Colleyville Texas Divorce Attorney
When dealing with a stressful situation such as divorce, experience really does matter. Fortunately, Rashelle Fetty has assisted a countless number of clients through all types of divorce cases. Her extensive knowledge of Texas Divorce Law can help with:
- Divorce Planning
- Uncontested and Contested Divorce Cases
- High-Asset/High-Net-Worth divorce cases
- Financial Issues Related to Divorce, Including Establishing Financial Stability, Filing for Bankruptcy, and Dividing Assets and Debts
- Annulment of Marriages
- Temporary Orders
- Appealing Court Orders
- Post-Divorce Relocation
- Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreements
- Military Divorce
- Mediation
- Paternity Tests
- Protective Orders
Divorcing in Texas
There are several things you must be aware of when filing for divorce in Texas. Although every case is different, here is a general overview of what divorce cases entail in the state of Texas. Additionally, we are always ready to answer any questions regarding your divorce case.
In Texas, grounds for divorce include adultery, abandonment, three years of confinement for incurable insanity, felony conviction and imprisonment for over one year, cruel and inhumane treatment, and the most common ground for divorce, insupportability. The majority of divorce cases in Texas are filed under the insupportability, which is also referred to as irreconcilable differences.

Divorce Attorney in North Texas
- The divorce process is lengthy and very stressing at times. In some instances, divorce cases can wrap up in as little as 2-3 months. On the other hand, some cases can take as long as 18 to 24 months. The length of the case will depend on the complexities involved and the level of disagreement between the parties involved
- In the state of Texas, legal separation is not recognized. Essentially, even though you and your spouse may have separated, property and debts acquired while married is still regarded as community property or community debt
- The best choice of action is to consult an attorney when going through a divorce case. This is due to the difficulty, complexity, and depth involved in the process. Fortunately, Rashelle Fetty has extensive experience to help clients
What is “No-Fault” Divorce in Texas
If you don’t know what the term insupportability means, then you probably have no experience dealing with divorces. The questions over “no-fault” divorce cases often come from new or prospective clients. To put it simply, insupportability is synonymous to unendurable, insufferable, and intolerable. A divorce filed under insupportability simply means that the divorce can be granted without proof that one spouse was at fault for the end of the marriage. This is a basis which most divorce cases are filed under.
Despite the requirement of proving that the marriage truly is insupportable, the process is still very simple. All it takes to prove a marriage is insupportable is a mere testimony by one spouse, which usually comes in the form of yes/no to questions from the attorney. Furthermore, establishing the source or nature of the conflict is not required. So there’s no need to explain how long the conflict lasted, your efforts to fix it, or who was at fault.

Colleyville Texas Divorce Attorney
In Texas, there is no legal requirement to reconcile. This means that there is no real defense for a petition of divorce filed under insupportability. So if a spouse wishes to be divorced, the divorce will go through. Regardless of the protest from the other spouse, the state will not force anyone to stay married against their will.
Fault-Based Divorce Grounds
There are four fault-based grounds for divorce in Texas. These grounds are cruelty, adultery, felony conviction, and abandonment. The process begins by a party claiming that one spouse is at fault for the divorce in order to share the majority of the marital estate. Furthermore, fault-based grounds are considered by the court when factoring the amount, duration and manner of spousal support. However, a court can still grant a no-fault divorce despite the parties filing for a fault-based divorce.
Adultery is the most common type of fault-based divorce. The term adultery is defined as the voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with someone who is not their husband or wife. The accusing party must prove that adultery took place with convincing proof.
A divorce can also be based on cruelty. Cruel treatment requires the willful and persistent infliction of unnecessary pain and suffering. Suffering, in this case, can be either mental or physical can also be based on a single event or a combination of events. In the event that a spouse is incarcerated for a felony for at least a year, the free spouse can be granted a divorce. The last fault-based ground for divorce is aband0nment. This means that one spouse left the marriage voluntarily with the intention of abandoning the other spouse. The abandoning spouse has to be away for at least a year.
Contact Us for More Information
As we stated above, this is only a brief of divorce cases in Texas. Even more, every case is different and will require personal and attentive legal attention. If you wish to learn more about divorce in the state and how you can file for your case, contact The Fetty Firm today. You can get in touch with us by calling (214) 546-5746 or clicking here. Furthermore, if you want to learn more about our experienced Colleyville Texas Divorce Attorney, click here.
Colleyville Texas Fun Fact
- Home to 11 parks for all types of recreation
- Home to several celebrities, including Demi Lovato
- The city was incorporated in 1956
- Learn more here